Create a free webpage for your classroom and share it with your students. You can add text, links, files, and more. You can also create multiple sections and organize your materials.
How Does It Work?
Enter the name of your classroom
Add resources to the classroom
Share with your students
Ask your students to subscribe
Questions & answers
Is this really free?
Yes, it's completely free.
Can I use this for my school?
Yes, you can use this for your school.
Who own the data I add to my classroom?
You own the data you add to your classroom. We don't claim any ownership over your data, and we don't sell it to anyone. For more information, please read our privacy policy.
I have a suggestion for a new feature, how can I share it?
You can share your suggestions with us from the roadmap page in the header.
Create webpage for your classroom in 10 seconds