Exams of today, with tools from the future

If you're a teacher, you know how much time and effort goes into creating and grading exams. With OpExams, we make it easy to prepare, administer, grade and analyze, both your paper and online exams.

Everything you need for your Online exams

If you're a teacher, you know how much time and effort goes into creating and grading exams. With OpExams and with the help of our AI tools, we make it easy to prepare, grade and analyze your exams.

Everything you need for your Quizzes

Keep your students' skills sharp at all times.

Everything you need for your Paper exams

If you're a teacher, you know how much time and effort goes into creating and grading exams. With OpExams and with the help of our AI tools, we make it easy to prepare, grade and analyze your exams.

Code Assignment

Coming soon

Paper Assignment

Coming soon

Interactive Lessons

Coming soon

Free AI Powered Quiz Generator

Generate quizzes based on a text or a topic and share them with others

Free AI Powered Questions Generator

Create many types of questions, save them, and use them to use in your exams

Share all your files, links, and resources with your students in one page.

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Join the global community of educators using OpExams

OpExams is a game-changer for educators worldwide. With over 1000 institutes using OpExams from 85 countries and 50+ new teachers joining us daily, our platform is transforming the way exams are designed, administered, graded and analyzed. Join today and revolutionize your exam process with OpExams.

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